Halloween Safety
Spooky season is upon us! It’s time for carving pumpkins, picking costumes, and trick-or-treating. However, it’s not always pumpkin spice and everything nice. As we gear up for this hauntingly fun holiday, it’s important to review some safety tips to lift your spirits during this time of year. So sit for a spell and take a look at our tricks and treats for Halloween safety.
Pumpkin Carving Safety
Now this is pumpkin to talk about! Avoid injuries while carving your Jack-o-‘Lanterns by designating an adult to do the carving. The kids can help by scooping out the pumpkin seeds and picking the stencil. Yeah, that might not sound as fun, but neither does a trip to the ER. Let’s remember that adults aren’t invincible either. Use a dull blade when carving. Better yet, consider using a pumpkin carving kit since it’s specifically designed for this activity. If you use a knife that’s too sharp, it could cut through too well and injure your hand on the other side. When it’s time to illuminate your creation, it’s best to use a battery-powered tealight to avoid burns.
Costume Safety
Come as you aren’t! Halloween costumes allow kids to be creative and express themselves in such a fun way. When it comes to children’s costumes, make sure they are comfortable, breathable, and flame retardant. Most importantly, make sure the kids are wearing something that can be seen from the road. This could be a glow bracelet/necklace, or a flashlight. Some local organizations have safety events that could provide you with reflective or glowing items. So make sure to keep calm and carry a (glow) wand! If your kid is known to wonder, consider writing your name/number in your children’s costumes in case they get lost and need help.
Trick-or-Treating Safety
Creep it real this Halloween and give your kids clear instructions for trick-or-treating. Make sure your trick-or-treaters look both ways before crossing the street and always walk (not run) to other houses. Stay ahead of the carve and explain that drivers may ignore the crosswalks, so children must stop and check for cars there too. If it’s available, it’s always a gourd idea to use a sidewalk. For those trick-or-treating on their own, make sure they have a route that they will stick with and a designated time to come home/check in.
Vehicle Safety
Streets on Halloween are always busy with all of those tiny trick-or-treaters out and about. On top of that, everyone is walking around in the dark. This is why it’s so important to minimize your distractions if you drive on Halloween night. Put your phone down, don’t put on parts of your costume that might obstruct your view or impact mobility, and make sure you’re taking corners slow. Then there’s the partying and the “boos.” Sure, ghouls just want to have fun, but we urge everyone to NOT drive while under the influence on any day, especially Halloween. If you know you’re going to eat, drink, and be scary, consider taking a taxi instead of getting behind the wheel. Even if you would rather assign a trusted friend to be your DD, carpooling means fewer vehicles on the road, reducing the risk of an accident.
Let’s get this party startled! If you anticipate that you will need a ride this year, download our app to make sure you can easily book a ride.